Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What to Do After the Baby Teeth Erupt?

Many people are not aware that the prevention of dental diseases can be initiated once the baby is born. From seventh to ninth session (last) month of pregnancy, primary baby teeth are being fully formed bones. The development of permanent teeth begins at birth.

Even before teeth show it is possible, and it recommended that an infant's mouth to clean. DAB tablets slightly gum in the mouth of a child with a damp cloth. For more information, visit: www.baby-care-book.com would reduce the germs that are formed in the mouth, and begin practice healthy dental care.

A child is also recommended to have a dental check-up 12 months already. pediatric dentists suggest that the first dental visit of a child should be before 20 primary teeth are
fully erupted. This first visit is for a complete examination and evaluation. It 'also for parents to be educated in proper oral hygiene for children at home, and a diet recommended the appropriate use of toothbrushes and fluoride for infants.

Once the beginning of the dentition and the first tooth erupts, which happens about as soon as six months, others follow until all 20 teeth in children during teething, the many children who experience discomfort sees when they become irritable, drool a lot, suck on their toys, blankets, or fingers, and lost appetite. When a child has a fever, diarrhea or flu-like symptoms, it is best to consult a pediatrician. Hard, Teethers and drink fresh water frequently can reduce the discomfort of teething.

Here is a list of recalled after the eruption of teeth.

- Do not let the sugary liquids to stay in the mouth of a child for an extended period. They lead to early tooth decay.

- During feedings, keep the baby and the bottle. Not only could suffocate the baby, milk or juice can provide the cavity into contact with new teeth.
For easy access to: www.crea-super-baby.com when the child falls asleep during feeding, remove the bottle from his mouth. If a bottle is necessary to get the baby to sleep, fill with water instead of milk or juice.

- Do not restrict the use of cups. The use of these can cause tooth decay and other dental problems such as misalignment of teeth.

- Start a healthy habit by controlling the consumption of sugary drinks and foods. Do not spoil your child with candy, it will eventually lead to dental problems with their teeth.

- You grow up with fluoride supplements for children. This will make your child's teeth strong and prevent tooth decay with a toothpaste without a normal adult.

- When a child learns to walk or can walk already, do not let your child walk with a bottle or glass in his mouth. Be alert to dental injuries.

When a child grows up with proper oral hygiene, the routine becomes his activities until he / she grows. This is a good habit that will help create a positive self-image.

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