Thursday, September 2, 2010

4 tips to Getting Baby to Sleep at Night

Some professional and personal advice, which I used as an aid to you in my journey with a sleeping child by one year.

1. wind your baby. Vortex without routine is to determine the sleep patterns of children and in return receives additional content to help children at night.

    * Choose the same time each night, the baby to bed. If you read with your child to bed at 20:00 and 07:40 and then start the routine watch.
    * Turn down the lights and the atmosphere to break. This will allow your child know it's almost bedtime.
    * A quiet, low noise
    * Rock you baby or cuddling for a while '. Do not feed your baby at this time. Dinner at bedtime should be established. Make sure you have been fed before the holidays.

    * Take your child to bed, keep the lights dimmed in the room. Singing a lullaby, and then goodnight. If you do not talk about being in the room with the child for some time with him and have no contact with eyes. Eye contact and vocal sounds of mom and dad to the custody of the child.
    * To give a child a bath and a bottle or a baby massage, then a story (TLC), then to bed. Singing a lullaby. Then Say Goodnight.

The routine above, you still have the option to choose between, all nights are followed by a person who takes his son to bed. If you do this, stress that parents are a way to get children to sleep at night without - nightmare.

2. Light lavender lavender oil Lil 'and the music and the music are a wonderful combination of relaxation and soothe the senses. Your child is no different. Just do the following:

    * Sprinkle a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow. Seal the bottle shop where children can not reach.
    * Play soft music and relaxing for him, preferably orchestral music. To do this, first read the story or sing a lullaby to the baby begins to relax.
    * Leave a light on in the nursery, do not be afraid, unless you're there. With an aquarium as a night light is an idea that deserves a look inside the fish can see how the child sleeps.

3. Baby reverse psychology. This is a child old enough to understand a little 'what I say. It's a bit ', but you can go a long way.
# If you decide to use a small aquarium to put in this way to support them in a region where, as he is in his bed to see.
# Tell him to the aquarium and how they can before bedtime to watch the fish dance music. Give it a try 1-2 things to see in the tank.
# As you pull, tell him you do not need sleep (reverse psychology) but can dance music to see the fish in water, but must Remain in bed. Give the lookout for things in the aquarium.
# If you see briefly in the bed to remind you to look at things and fish balls.
# Do not take too long on history and / or lullaby. Should be short, but without haste.
# If you notice your baby's crying scene position while going to bed is something you can try to reach an agreement with him that you want to spend two phases instead of only one or two songs instead of one, cry if you promise to reading in bed or not. Do not press the words "anticipates" or the dream that "must be now." You must keep your promise and you have in your stick. Remember this. Again, consistency is the key to success.
# Do not allow your child to see or if you feel any discomfort or wine in question. Often when a child sees this, he told his parents could weaken and allow you to get things. If you need to go out for a pause for breath. Make sure your baby in a safe place as you do.

4. repetition. Infants nap time and go together. a child has a nap in the afternoon to rest better during the rest of your day. Eat better, listen better and learn better. It 'a bad mood more positive and much less energy. But this trick also allows your baby to sleep better at night because your body and brain overloaded, tired enough to fall asleep when mom and dad in bed routine.

professional advice and high personal advice, the baby sleep at night is a step closer. Remember, consistency is the key to this operation is successful. All participants must have the same practice at the top and diligent but gentle and patient.

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