How To Burp Baby
1. Ask mother to show you how to hold the baby, and how to burp him.
2. What does mother want you to do if baby wakens in her absence? She may suggest you pick the baby up for a few minutes, or perhaps she will ask you to check the baby's needs, say a few comforting words and depart from the room.
3. When mother calls you to make the baby-sitting date, ask her if the baby is shy of strangers, as some six-month-old babies are likely to be. In that event, arrive at the house a little early and get acquainted with the little child before mother takes off.
Very few mothers will ask a new babysitter to give baby a bath, but^f mother does ask you be sure you know where she keeps the baby powder, lotion, rottofl swabs, and oil, Nurse Odegard suggests. If baby is chapped or has a rash she may ask you to apply medication or soothing lotion, perhaps with cotton swabs, so 't is a good idea to get a preview of their application.
Older children require different treatment of course. The sitter would do well to arrive early tor her get-acquainted period.
Challenge To JHischlef
"Many children," notes Nurse O'legard, "regard a visiting sitter as a challenge to mischief. A sitter must be careful not to let them intimidate her. She must be quietly firm and see that they get to bed at the time mother recommends"
It's a good idea to ask mother to explain that you are in charge when she is away, as this may hive the effect of easier control of the children.
A youngster who wants to be known as a good baby-sitter in her neighborhood should do some general reading on child care, Nurse Odegard sajs. She should know wlnt to expect from children of diffrrent ages
It's a good idea to let your family doctor know you are available, fiF well as favorite school teachers, and parents in the neighborhood.
"A 14-year-old who approaches Barents in a mature manner for baby-sitting work is likely to 1-ave more requests than she can handle. I've seen this approacli vork very effectively for many young people," says Nurse Odegard
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