Monday, August 16, 2010

How to teach baby sign language

If you teach a baby sign language, giving an effective way to communicate before he can speak the way open for a strong parent-child relationship and provide an intellectual advantage, too. Most of the children sign language quickly. Many parents are teaching sign language, a child is not more difficult than teaching words.

What you need:

* A sign language dictionary


Step 1

Learn how to access. If you do not know sign language, who need to learn to run certain tests as a "baby mama" could "bottle" or "off." Children learn quickly, has a couple of steps to be somewhat '. Try to teach adults could be maintained on the same page or your child is a sign of a person who understands anyone else. You can teach older brothers to sign, too, so you have a way to interact with the new baby.

Step 2

Select some basic words to start. If the implementation of all, you may tend to quickly recognize the signs of your child, try to communicate. Choose a few essential as "hunger", "juice" or "help." It 's easier to start with physical objects, because they can show a child, which means the character.

Step 3

Make the sign language of everyday interaction, beginning with the character you chose to teach in the first place. If your child some 'juice to sign for the juice. Like a child needs to pass the signal to the bathroom, then take him to the bathroom. Eye contact, so your child that you want to say something. Do this until your son will soon connection between signs and things or actions.

Step 4

Add new signs quickly. After 2 or 3 weeks, the child may begin to sign back to you. Even if they do, you probably do, you know their signs. From this point, many new characters as you want. Make things visible, such as "shoes" or "dog", but also more abstract signs such as "UP" or "ladies".

Step 5

With the image of teaching your baby sign language pounds. The large, colorful pictures in children is easier to pound as "Park" or "fireman" and other things that are difficult to teach, to show home.

Step 6

Make sign language of the season. Teaching a baby sign language can help only to feelings of frustration, tantrums and aggression that leads. This is particularly true of the hard feelings as "sad", "evil" and "fear." Playtime is set to "these emotions without really good experience with them. With facial expressions and body language when you log on. You can take these books into the picture with the signature of emotion is a sign of feelings or show their sympathy for the characters .

Tips & Warnings

* Everything you love your child, or mirror, water or the family pet is a good use of classes for the first character.
* If you taught the people to choose, think about your child with the signs to communicate problems, such as "hunger", "cold" and can "hurt".
* Many babies change sign, or make your own room, so in search of a new gesture or "chatter marks" may make your baby.

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